1971-1980ActionCrimeFernando Di LeoItaly

Fernando Di Leo – Milano calibro 9 (1972)


Milan Calibre 9 (made in 1971 and released the following year) is the first chapter of the famous “Milieu Trilogy”, continued with Manhunt (La mala ordina) and ending with The Boss (Il boss) in which Fernando di Leo explores the different aspects of the world of organized crime. The title of the film is taken from a story by Giorgio Scerbanenco which is part of the book I Centodelitti. This Russian writer also inspired certain parts of scripts ( Stazione centrale ammazzare subitofor the bomb package, Vietato essere felici and La vendetta è il miglior perdono for certain characteristics belonging to the main character, Ugo Piazza). But basically, di Leo created this film independently, using the noir genre as a vehicle for his own sociological, anthropological and also philosophical ideas about the world of crime.

The successful result of Milan Calibre 9 is also due to the careful casting of the actors, especially Gastone Moschin, who for the first time in his career played a dramatic role; Barbara Bouchet – whom the director found in her beauty, reflections of the fierceness perfect for her character; Mario Adorf – who was responsible for a memorable interpretation of his role as the violent and sardonic Rocco Musco – and Lionel Stander, who starts off the tradition of great Hollywood actors used by di Leo in his noir films.

However, the main character of the film is the city, Milan, which breaks free from being just a background to the narrated story, becoming the centre of internal battles between the gangsters and the vital point of illegal economic interests. The soundtrack, composed by Luis Bacalov and performed by the group Osanna, is greatly significant, magnificently commenting the alternation of cruelty and lyricism which is the basis of what can rightly be considered a masterpiece by Fernando di Leo.



Language:Italian + English Dubbed
Subtitles:English (optional)

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