1981-1990ComedyDramaHungaryPéter Gárdos
Péter Gárdos – Szamárköhögés AKA Whooping Cough (1987)
By the eighties, as the communist regime was slowly crumbling, making films about the 1956 revolution was no longer a taboo.
In Whooping Cough, we see how the failed revolution unfolds through the eyes of a middle-class family and especially their two young children.
By seeing the children experience the revolution as they come of age, we see the early socialist Hungarian society becoming increasingly disillusioned and coming to grips with its new reality.
— Ábel Bede (kafkadesk.org)
1.50GB | 1h 29m | 702×576 | mkv
Subtitles:English,Hungarian (muxed)