1951-1960Aldo FabriziClassicsComedyItaly

Aldo Fabrizi – La famiglia Passaguai AKA The Passaguai Family (1951)


Dalla commedia Cabina 27 di Anton Germano Rossi.
Una domenica al mare di Ostia del cavalier Peppe Passaguai con la moglie e i tre figli. Una macchina comica romanesca che ha le sue ascendenze nel repertorio del teatro dialettale, dell’avanspettacolo e dell’umorismo del settimanale Travaso degli anni ’30 ma anche postbellico, arricchito da trovate più cinematografiche (l’anguria) e da notazioni di costume sulla piccola borghesia. Soprattutto nel primo tempo non mancano le gag azzeccate né le macchiette colorite, appoggiate a caratteristi già affermati (T. Scotti) o in erba (C. Delle Piane). Fu seguita da La famiglia Passaguai fa fortuna (1952) e Papà diventa mamma (1953).

A film substantially different from the classic Italian comedy typical of the ’50s and ’60s.
That is, it is not present the caricature aimed to summarize the typical Italian on which to laugh about (Sordi style, namely).
Here we deal with a family and with situations that often override reality, and with extreme characterizations, especially in the figure of Margherita (Ave Ninchi) and of all the contour characters with whom Peppe (Fabrizi) is forced to fight and undergo, placidly and stoically.
The ingredients that make it so different (and so funny) must be attributed entirely to Aldo Fabrizi (writer / director), who integrates all his legacy from the vaudeville with the slapstick comedy, which until then had been largely a virtue of American silent cinema (Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy, the Marx Brothers).



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