Various – Early Cinema : Primitives & Pioneers (1895 – 1910) wrote:
The BFI’s fascinating collection of 60 short films all made before 1911 comes to DVD with the aim of giving wider access to some of the extraordinary film material held in the National Film and Television Archive, much of which has been restored. Although most films made at this time were actualities and newsreels, this collection contains mostly fiction films, ranging from the dramatic to the comic and the fantastical.
This double-disc set provides an entertaining look at how many film devices such as the close-up, the cut-away and editing, were first invented by film-makers before the turn of the century.
Sortie d’usine (1895)
Repas de bébé (1895)
Démolition d’un mur (1895)
Le Jardinier et le petit espiègle (1895)
Arrivée des Congressistes à Neuville-sue-Sâlone (1895)
Arrivée d’un train en gare à La Ciotat (1895)
Partie d’écarté (1895)
Barque sortant du port (1895)
Leaving Jerusalem by Railway (1896)
Bataille de boules de neige (1896)
Pompiers à Lyon (c.1896)
Niagara (1897)
Spanish Bullfight (1900)
R. W. Paul
Come Along, Do! (1898)
The Derby (1896)
The Countryman and the Cinematograph (1901)
A Chess Dispute (1903)
Extraordinary Cab Accident (1903)
Buy Your Own Cherries (1904)
The (?) Motorist (1906)
G. A. Smith
The Miller and the Sweep (1898)
The Kiss in the Tunnel (1899)
Let Me Dream Again (1900)
Grandma’s Reading Glass (1900)
As Seen Through a Telescope (1900)
Sick Kitten (1903)
Mary Jane’s Mishap (1903)
Bamforth & Co. Ltd
The Kiss in the Tunnel (1899)
Ladies’ Skirts Nailed to a Fence (c.1900)
The Biter Bit (1900)
Rough Sea (c.1900)
Williamson Kinematograph Co. Ltd
Attack on a China Mission (1900)
The Big Swallow (c.1901)
Stop Thief! (1901)
Fire! (1901)
An Interesting Story (1905)
Hepworth Manufacturing Co.
How It Feels to Be Run Over (1900)
Explosions of a Motor Car (1900)
Rescued by Rover (1905)
The Other Side of the Hedge (1905)
That Fatal Sneeze (1907)
A Visit to Peek Frean and Co.’s Biscuit Works (1906)
A Day in the Life of a Coalminer (1910)
Pathé Frères
Par le trou de la serrure (1901)
Histoire d’un crime (1901)
Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs (1905)
Rêve et réalité (1901)
La Révolution en Russie (1905)
Aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse (1906)
Le Cheval emballé (1907)
Edison Manufacturing Co.
The Physician of the Castle (1908)
Magic Bricks (1908)
Dewar’s – It’s Scotch (1898)
The Gay Shoe Clerk (1903)
The Great Train Robbery (1903)
The Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906)
Language(s):Silent (w/ music & english commentary)
Subtitles:English (subrip)