Antonio Reis & Margarida Cordeiro – Trás-os-Montes (1976)
Evocation of a province, the Northeast Portuguese, whose historical roots, secular, not confuse the country’s brother, the Douro league.
Children and mothers, women and children, house and land. Daily life, imagination, disappearing arts, the subsistence agriculture. Erosion. The time and distance. The absent presence of the departed to all horizons.
Festivals and Awards:
Festival de Toulon 1976 – Prémio Especial do Júri, Prémio da Crítica Toulon Festival 1976 – Special Jury Award, Critics’ Award
Festival de Pesaro 1976 – Prémio da Crítica Pesaro Film Festival 1976 – Critics Award
Festival de Manheim 1977 – Grande Prémio Manheim Festival 1977 – Grand Prix
Festival de Viermole 1978 – Prémio Melhor Filme, Prémio Melhor Realização Viermole Festival 1978 – Best Film Award, Best Achievement Award
Festival de Lecce 1979 – Menção Honrosa à Cinematografia Lecce Festival 1979 – Honorable Mention for Cinematography
Festival de Belford 1976 Belford Festival 1976
XI Challenge de Cartago 1976 XI Challenge of Carthage 1976
Festival de Roterdão 1977 Rotterdam Film Festival 1977
Festival de Anvers 1977 Festival Antwerp 1977
Festival de Bedalmena 1977 Festival Bedalmena 1977
Festival de Londres 1977 City of London Festival 1977
Festival de Belgrado 1978 Festival of Belgrade 1978
Bienal de Veneza 1978 Venice Biennale 1978
Mostra de São Paulo 1978 The São Paulo 1978
incredible. i saw this years ago without subs. really glad they’re around. thanks!