Drama1991-2000CrimeMoroccoNabil Ayouch

Nabil Ayouch – Ali Zaoua, prince de la rue AKA Ali Zoua: Prince of the Streets (2000)


A movie from Morroco about street kids in casablanca.
Some voices from IMDB.

From Morroco
This movie brings back memories of growing up in morocco, although the movie puts you in the front seat of the realities in real life much of this goes ignored by the rest of the populace. The feeling is of numbness to the harsh realities that these vagabonds have to go through. Most of these kids never make it to adulthood and if they do they are seriously psychologically ill. After watching this movie you will undeniably feel resentment to society and blame yourself for being part of it. Overall I think the movie was well directed, the characters were AMAZING (I hope that they get some type of recognition) some of the scenes are beautifully shot. Vote 10+ from my part

From Brazil
In the streets of Casablanca, the homeless boys Kwita, Omar and Boubker, leaded by Ali Zaoua, the son of a prostitute, leave the gang of Dib. The dream of Ali is to become a sailor and navigate with his mother to an isolated island with two suns. However, the four friends are attacked by Dib’s gang and Ali dies, hit by a stone on the head. Kwita, Omar and Boubker hide the body in a hole, while trying to get money for a special funeral for the `prince’ Ali. This movie is one the most sensitive and moving stories I have ever seen, comparable to the 1950 Luis Buñuel’s masterpiece `Los Olvidados’ and 1981 Hector Babenco’s `Pixote: A Lei do Mais Fraco’. Indeed, it is a low budget movie, supported by outstanding director and infantile cast and a wonderful and never corny story. It is impossible not having the emotions affected or even cry with such a beautiful conclusion of a marvelous drama. My vote is ten.


Subtitles:English French


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