Dag Johan Haugerud – Det er meg du vil ha AKA I’m the One You Want (2014)
This film tells the true story of a 30-year-old female high school teacher who falls in love with a 15-year-old pupil and starts a relationship with him. Sonja Evang’s script is based on interviews with the real life persons. It was developed and shot to be screened at the Norwegian Drama Festival.
Sindre Kaspersen @ IMDB wrote:
Norwegian screenwriter and director Dag Johan Haugerud’s second narrative feature which was written by Norwegian screenwriter Sonja Evang, is inspired by real events and interviews with the person in question. It premiered at the Norwegian Drama Festival in 2013, was shot on location in Oslo, Norway and is a Norwegian production which was produced by Norwegian producer Yngve Sæther. It tells the story about a 32-year-old Norwegian female secondary school teacher who gradually fell in love with her 15-year-old pupil and how she approached and handled this situation.
Subtly and statically directed by Nordic filmmaker Dag Johan Haugerud, this quietly paced and somewhat fictional 53 min documentary drama which is narrated by the protagonist and, as the other person in question does not participate, mostly from her point of view, draws a dense, theatrical and increasingly involving portrayal of an adult woman’s views on her unlawful romantic relationship with a 17-year-old younger person. While notable for its atmospheric milieu depictions, fine cinematography by Norwegian cinematographer Cecilie Semec and use of colors, this monologue-driven and narrative-driven story about distinctions and nuances within morals and civilized laws where the whole narrative rests on one actress, depicts a conversational study of character which makes one ask, amongst other relevant questions, how this story would have been taken if the tables were turned and a Norwegian male secondary school teacher was making a confession in front of the camera regarding his romance with one of his 15-year-old female pupils.
This self-reflective, sociological, novelistic, often humorous much due to the way in which the narrator expresses herself, timely and dramatized interpretation of a real person, is impelled and reinforced by its striking narrative structure, subtle continuity, light-hearted atmosphere and the quite remarkable acting performance by Norwegian actress Andrea Bræin Hovig who through her body language and rhythmic, phonetic and verbal way of communicating a story she has been told, makes this bilateral love-story like listening to the diary of a woman whom is making an informally justifying confession.
Subtitles:English, Norwegian