2011-2020Detlef SiebertDocumentaryGermany

Detlef Siebert – The Man Who Discovered Capitalism (2016)


The Film has three narratives:

the story of Schumpeter’s life,

the development of his ideas,

and how the digital revolution illustrates these ideas.
Stylized drama sequences, in combination with Monthy Python inspired cut out animations, illustrate key aspects of Schumpeter’s life and theory.Successful entrepreneurs such as Simon Woodroffe (Yo!Sushi), Eric Wahlforss (Soundcloud), Stefan Smalle (Westwing) and Renaud Visage (Eventbrite) share the secrets of their success and offer insights into what it takes to be the innovative entrepreneur who Schumpeter identified as the key actor in the capitalist drama.

Detlef Siebert
Writer & Director
Winner of the award from the Cannes Corporate Media & TV (Kategorie Business & Economy)
award nomination RTS Northern Ireland Awards

“What are the driving forces behind economic growth? How do entrepreneurs and investors contribute to the economy? To what extent should the state play a role in a capitalist economy? These are just some of the questions addressed by the thought-provoking and brilliantly pieced-together documentary Schumpeter. Cleverly blending historical reconstructions, directing interviews with leading economic thinkers and entrepreneurs. The documentary pays special attention to the modern-day digital revolution”.

Dr. John Goodyear



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