Vera Chytilová – Ovoce stromu rajskych jime aka Fruit of Paradise [+Extras] (1970)
“The Fruit of Paradise” is a breathtaking experimental film from Vera Chytilova. Well known for her surreal feminist comedy “Daisies” (1966), Chytlova uses many of the same hallucinatory camera tricks for “The Fruit of Paradise”. I used to think that the film “Begotten” was original until I saw the “Fruit of Paradise”. The film’s first 15 minutes is highly psychedelic as it tells the story of creation. There are layers of image on top of image with fast camera cuts. The film almost made my head spin with it’s fast pace, use of color and bizarre experimental sound effects. Then it breaks out into a song about Adam & Eve, which is hauntingly catchy. Now if only I could learn Czech. Then the story of Adam and Eve goes to a modern setting. The devil is portrayed as creepy man of middle age; a persistent stalker and serial killer of women. Eva and her boyfriend go on vacation to a health spa, where they encounter temptation. The devil gets Eva to eat the forbidden fruit. Then the film becomes very comical throughout, as the Devil chases adorable Eva everywhere she goes. Very deep, surreal and philosophical, “The Fruit of Paradise” is another underrated masterpiece to Czech out!
Extras included:
1. Interview with actor Jan Schmidt
2. Interview with director Vera Chytilova–_Vera_Chytilova.mkv–
Subtitles:English (muxed, srt),French