Reha Erdem – Korkuyorum Anne aka What’s a Human, Anyway? (2004)
Mommy, I’m scared
What’s a human anyway…
This is the question the film explores. Through the streets of Istanbul, echoing with seagull cries and boat whistles, through the people in their homes who, scream, shoulder to shoulder, back to back, lip to lip, hand in hand, fist to fist, eye to eye, cheek to cheek: Ali and his father Rasih… Neriman the tailor and her son Keten… Ipek with her baby in her belly… The doorman Riza, his wife Selvi and their son Cetin… The neighborhood butcher, Kemal… Neriman’s dog, Cakir. Ipek’s gymnast roommate Umit… Ex-boxer Aytekin and his friend Zambak…
The film begins with Ali’s accident. Ali has lost his memory. With Ali’s confusion, all the characters of the story find themselves in a state of chaos: this chaos being the chaos of daily life, of life itself. The mystery of a precious ring passing from one to another with each claiming to be the owner, the distant story of a robbery, and a mock police investigation add even more flavor to the story. But there is a parallel story within “Mommy, I’m scared”. This is the story of the human body. This story, which in real life exists in every human body regardless of revolutions, incidents, or intrigues, comes to the forefront in the film. It outshines intrigue. It shadows the eyes and ears of the human bodies observing the incidents in the film. With his or her illness, routine, posture, eating and drinking habit and body language, everyone in the film becomes a lead character in this universal theme. In this film, the language of the body speaks just as loud as the events and the characters. Bodies cracking. Breaking. Being snipped. Bleeding. Aching. Healing. Nails growing. Hair thinning. Teeth rotting. The inner organs show their bloody faces through x-rays, ultrasound screens and blood analysis reports. People cry. Yawn. Sneeze. Walk. Run. Kneel. Climb. Realizing the strange reality of living in a human body, Ali after the accident is like a newborn baby, not only trying to remember past events but also exploring his own body. In the finale of the film, the pieces of the puzzle finally fit. All the events each character goes through tie into a larger picture. Memory is restored. Ali remembers. With Ali, we also remember…
What’s a human anyway…
A memory woven by fears, weaknesses and desires and a fragile body made up of flesh, blood and bones.
Subtitles:English / Français / Deutsch