F.J. Ossang – 9 doigts AKA 9 Fingers (2017)
9 Fingers opens like in a film noir: at night, in a train station, a man called Magloire runs from a police control. With no luggage and no future. No sooner has he found a huge amount of money than trouble begins. A gang on his heels will soon make him a hostage then an accomplice. It is Kurtz’s gang. After an aborted break-in, they all have to flee aboard a cargo ship with a dangerous volatile freight. Nothing happens as it was supposed to be – poison and madness contaminate everybody. Kurtz’s men seem to be the pawns of a conspiracy led by the mysterious “9 Fingers”…
4.11GB | 1h 38m | 920×1080 | mkv
Subtitles:English, Dutch, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish
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