S. Sylvan Simon – The Crime of Doctor Hallet (1938)
This underrated feature stars Ralph Bellamy as Dr. Paul Hallet, working in the jungles of Sumatra with associate Jack Murray (William Gargan), experimenting on monkeys in search of a cure for red fever. Enter a much younger doctor, Phillip Saunders (John “Dusty” King), whose arrival is met with disapproval by the much older Hallet, who consigns the newcomer to a life of cleaning test tubes. Accidentally stumbling on a possible cure, Saunders tries to share his discovery with the unresponsive Hallet, then decides to conduct his own private research without the others knowledge. When Hallet arrives at his own solution, the eager Saunders inoculates himself with red fever, trusting that Hallet’s cure will save him, but it fails. Learning that funds have dried up, and that the late Saunders had 4000 dollars in travelers checks, the repentant, guilt ridden Hallet decides to carry on, forging his colleague’s name after burying Saunders as Paul Hallet. Complications ensue with a replacement doctor, the beautiful Mary Reynolds (Josephine Hutchinson), and then the widowed wife of the late Saunders (Barbara Read, “The Man Who Cried Wolf”), both unaware of what has transpired in the remote jungle.
848MB | 1h 7mn | 640×480 | avi
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