1961-1970AdventureEgyptEpicNiazi Mostafa

Niazi Mostafa – Antar bin chaddad AKA Antar the Black Prince (1961)

Antar, son of prince Chaddad and a black slave mother, longs to be recognized by his father and win the love of his cousin, the princess Abla. In order to prove himself worthy, he undergoes all manner of obstacles and eventually becomes the greatest warrior in all Arabia.

There have been several Middle Eastern movies made about Antar, dating back to the silent era. In western cinema, Antar was played by Victor Mature in The Veils of Bagdad (1953) and by Kirk Morris in Anthar l’Invincibile (Anthar the Invincible) although these films re-imagined the character as a generic Caucasian hero with little relation to the historical figure. In this picture, Antar is portrayed by Egyptian actor Farid Chawki wearing “blackface” makeup and a nappy wig.

Antar bin Chaddad spans over two hours and includes scenes of warfare, floggings, stabbings, stonings, beheadings, plenty of swordplay as well as Bollywood-style songs and dances. Filmed in vivid Eastmancolor and scored with music from The Ten Commandments and Ben-Hur.

2.08GB | 2 h 15 min | 694×520 | mkv


Subtitles:English, French, Arabic

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