Jack Deveau – Drive (1974)

Synopsis/Background wrote:
Synopsis: The title refers both to the male sexual drive and to the fact that the hero of the movie is always tooling around Manhattan in a Lamborghini; and a villainess drag queen who tries to rid men of their sex drives! Sounds amazing, with a screenplay by Christopher Rage (who also, in drag, plays the villainess Arachne) with over 50 people in the cast – Starring: Mary Jim Sstunning (a.k.a. Christopher Rage) as Arachne; Mark Luna, Mark Woodward, Peter de Rome, Peter Fersen, Shawn Roberts, Michael Corrigan, Frank Ventgen, Brian Destazio, Richard Abel, Jack Brusca, Harvey Shamber, Jaap Penraat, Stan Glinter, S.V. Newman, and John Fromme – In the disco: Freeman Freeman, Chris Ritter, Avery Addison, Bill Gillers, Steven Sampson, Bill Fitter, Jim Case, Ted Valkus, Renfroe Meyer, Lorrenzo Lasalle, Arch Fairbanks, Denny Mans, Arch Hilborn, Ray Frank, Chris Mobley, Al Kelms; In the Steamroon: Marty Marks, Rusty Lewis, Tray Christopher, Nick Shulman, Paul Turley, Rober Alvarez, Clif Dover, Jack Deveau, Mark Sayles, Joe Gun, Seth Poole; In the Locked Room: George Culver, W. Grippo, Marvin Desimone, John Willard, Paul Conaway, Frederick C. Mongue II; In the Dungeon: Curtis Brtown, Carlyle Taylor, Cal Mansour, Kenric Hawley, Joaquin Mineo, Richard Morrisey; In the Water Bucket: Harold Reardon, and Under the Blade: Kenric Brown.

936MB | 1h 15mn | 640×480 | mkv