Kinji Fukasaku – Jingi naki tatakai: Kanketsu-hen AKA The Yakuza Papers 5: Final Episode (1974)

In the wake of The Bomb, ex-soldier Shozo Hirono (Bunta Sugawara) joins a Hiroshima yakuza gang — the Japanese equivalent of the Mafia — and then the shootings, slashings, betrayals, and scheming begin. Premiering a year after The Godfather, The Yakuza Papers also broke box-office records and spawned sequels, but, in contrast, took a ruthlessly de-romanticized view of the underworld. Based on an actual gang boss’ memoirs, The Yakuza Papers plunges the audience into a gritty, brutal, violent newsreel of a three-decade struggle for power of Shakespearean complexity, a nihilistic epic unlike any other.

2.53GB | 1 h 37 min | 1024×426| mkv
Subtitles:English (muxed)