Oliver Stone – Comandante (2003)

In the American corporate media, Castro is always played up as some kind of monster. The corporate media (and a host of draconian laws help) prevent us from hearing what he has to say. This documentary is excellent if anything but to give us a chance to hear what Castro has to say.
This was geared for an American audience, most of whom are probably ignorant about who Arbenz was, or Allende, and who probably never heard of the MPLA. It’s mentioned at some point in the film that all the bad things that American big business and the CIA do around the world is known around the world – known everywhere except by US citizens. This is true, then again, the US is one of the few industrialized countries who for most of the 20th into the 21st century had almost all of it’s radio and television channels, as well as newspaper printing presses controlled by corporations. It’s unfortunate that Stone thus feels he has to ask about Cubans in Vietnam and this sort of nonsense which takes up time that could have been used asking more about Castro’s perspective of what is going on in Latin America.

701MB | 01:35:11 | 512×288 | avi
Subtitles:Spanish, Swedish
Hi, may this be re-upped? Thanks so much!