Alexandre Astruc, Michel Contat & Guy Séligmann – Sartre par lui-même AKA Sartre by Himself (1976)
from imdb review:
In 1972, Sartre sat in his apartment in the Montparnasse section of Paris for a film documentary: archive footage (including clips from the 1967 Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal, convened in London by Bertrand Russell; that’s U.S. antiwar activist Dave Dellinger to Sartre’s right) and Sartre being interviewed by old friends, including Simone de Beauvoir. A real historical find, particularly with the endless talking-head revisionism conducted nightly on CNN & its broadcast progeny.
1.36GB | 3h 08mn | 512×408 | avi
this is a rare film. any english subtitles available? or a version with hardsub ?
no any subtitles.
Thank you