ArthouseDocumentaryItalyLuciano Emmer

Luciano Emmer – Parole dipinte. Il cinema sull’arte di Luciano Emmer [+Extras] (1946-1966; 2000-2009)

The art film by Luciano Emmer: the camera explores the figurative worlds of Giotto, Bosch, Carpaccio, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Picasso. First edition on DVD of a valuable asset for art history and Italian cinema.
This two-DVD boxset presents, collected for the first time, a wide selection of art films made by Luciano Emmer (1918-2009). Emmer, screenwriter and director, is the author of films that told with delicacy and humor about Italy in the Fifties (Domenica d’agosto, Terza liceo) and one of the inventors of TV commercials; especially personal and meaningful is his work on art documentaries, awarded all over the world.

From the pioneering Giotto of Racconto da un affresco to Bosch’s Paradiso terrestre, from Carpaccio’s Leggenda di sant’Orsola to Goya, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Picasso, the films of Emmer produce a progressive and exciting approach to the work of art, faithful to the principle that there is a scientific way to shoot the works and there is one “that could be called poetic,” and that admits an intimacy with the works would not otherwise be experienced. It is in their refusal to provide a reading of academic art history, that these films are not only exciting cinematic experiences, even unusual, valuable introductions to the world of figurative art.

1946 – 1966
– Racconto da un affresco (1946)
– Paradiso terrestre (1946)
– Il cantico delle crature (1943)
– Guerrieri (1943)
– Destino d’amore, ovvero, piccolo mundo al platino (1942)
– I fratelli miracolosi (1949)
– L’invenzione della croce (1948)
– L’allegoria della primavera (1948)
– La leggenda di Sant’Orsola (1948)
– Isolle nella laguna (1948)
– Romantici a Venezia (1948)
– Romantici a Venezia Cocteau (1948)
– Goya. La festa di Sant’Isidoro; I disastri della guerra (1950)
– Leonardo da Vinci (1952)
– La sublime fatica (1966)
– Il dramma di Cristo narrato da Giotto (1966)

2000 – 2009
– Incontrare Picasso (2000)
– Nostalgie (2001)
– I magici colori di Napoli (2004)
– La paz y la guerra (2009)
– Le carceri di invenzione (2009)

– Interview to Roman Vlad
– Scherzo su Giotto
– Passeggiate con Luciano;_2000-2006).part1.rar;_2000-2006).part2.rar;_2000-2006).part3.rar;_2000-2006).part4.rar;_2000-2006).part5.rar

Subtitles:English, Spanish .srt


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