Aldo Francia – Ya no basta con rezar AKA Enough Praying (1972)

A good social movie of the early 70’s. It shows us the life of a man from Valparaíso, and how his religious beliefs are in conflict with his environment. Finally he discovers catholicism not always are in opposition with social issues. As usual in Aldo Francia’s movies, there are some documental scenes showing us the problems of poverty in his beloved Valparaíso. I think the last scene (where the protagonist sees the policial repression to a social meeting and suddenly gets a rock and throw it to the cops) was shot in a real demonstration. The actings are very natural and good, and Francia portrayed some typical people from the port (as “Cristo’e palo” and “Gitano” Rodríguez). The documental look and cinematography are very good in relation with the movie.

1.14GB | 1h 17m | 718×538 | mkv
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