1961-1970Amos Vogel: Film as a Subversive ArtArgentinaDocumentaryEnrique JuárezPolitics

Enrique Juárez – Ya es tiempo de violencia AKA Now is the Time for Violence (1969)

In 1969, the film director Enrique Juárez thus anonymously produced Ya es tiempo de violencia (Now is the Time for Violence), mainly concerned with the events of the May 1969 Cordobazo riots and the assassination of the trade-unionist Augusto Vandor on 30 June 1969. Other images included those of the massive funerals of Emilio Jáuregui, another trade-unionist shelled three days before Vandor’s death during a demonstration in protest of Nelson Rockefeller’s (owner of Miramax there) arrival to Argentina.

The film, entirely made clandestinely, criticized Juan Carlos Onganía’s dictatorship and the media’s official discourse. Ya es tiempo de violencia was thought to have been destroyed in the turmoil of the 1976 coup d’état and the “Dirty War,” but a copy of it was in fact stored by the Cuban film institute Icaic. In 2007, the film was brought back to Buenos Aires by Fernando Krichmar, a member of the Grupo Cine Insurgente (Insurgent Cine Group), and Aprocinain (Asociación para el Apoyo Patrimonial Audiovisual y la Cinemateca Nacional) made another copy of it to insure its preservation.

In this film documentary, Enrique Juárez used a multiplicity of voice-overs (among which an anonymous narrator and an anonymous Peronist activist, among others) against censorship exerted by the hegemonic discourse—the voices are in fact those of Juárez himself, the actor Héctor Alterio, etc.

The film itself was almost exclusively composed from media images, with the editing used to contradict the official discourse by using contradictory voices and images (i.e. a civil servant of Juan Carlos Onganía’s dictatorship states that everything is well, contradicted by images showing the Cordobazo riots). Furthermore, the voice-over often address itself directly to the spectator, urging him to take action.

669MB | 40m 54s | 1280×720 | mkv




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