William Nigh1941-1950Film NoirMysteryUSA

William Nigh – I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes (1948)

I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes (1948)

A dancer is pinned for murder after his shoe prints are found at the scene of the crime. His wife follows the trail of clues to the genuine killer.

Letterboxd review
Watched by Evelyn Rose 26 Dec 2019

“This is a fine time to be law-abiding!” An awesome little Christmas-set film noir produced by Monogram, about a tap dancer whose shoes, thrown out the window at a screeching cat, leave footprints at a murder crime scene, circumstantial evidence set to clasp handcuffs around his wrists. With a screenplay by Steve Fisher from a Cornell Woolrich novel, the dialogue is top-tier snappy noir dialogue, and the film’s extended waltz on the high cost of living up to the standards of postwar America’s “mysterious prosperity” adds genuinely affecting thematic oomph. Interestingly, it opens much like Hugo Fregonese’s Black Tuesday, a track back and forth along prison cells while our lead frets hours before his execution. “What a rotten way to make a living.” One of the great B noirs, one of the great anti-Christmas movies, and, without question, the greatest shoe movie ever made.

1.89GB | 1h 10m | 790×576 | mkv



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