Eugenio Martín – Réquiem para el gringo AKA Duel in the Eclipse (1968)
Gringo is a notorious gunfighter. After his brother is tortured and killed by bandits, Gringo joins the group to eliminate them one by one from the inside! A nice looking and somewhat offbeat movie starring Lang Jeffries with Femi Benussi, Fernando Sancho, Carlo Gaddi, Rubén Rojo, Aldo Sambrell , Carlo Simoni, Giuliana Garavaglia, Glenn Saxson, Ángel Álvarez and Marisa Paredes.
Lang Jeffries, Fernando Sancho, Femi Benussi, Carlos Gaddi. A unique Euro-western with the hero as an astrologist who wears a leopard suit. Sure, there’s a revenge theme, but overall this is a different brand of spaghetti. It’s very moody and feels like a Euro-horror film in spots.
775MB | 1h34m | 608×416 | aviéquiem_para_el_gringo_(1968).avi