1981-1990AdventureFantasyItalyLuigi CozziThe Cannon Group

Luigi Cozzi – Hercules (1983)

The strongest man on Earth … in a super-adventure odyssey.

The incredible Lou Ferrigno steps into the sandals of the most durable demigod in myth and motion pictures: Hercules!

With the strength of an army, our hero battles the forces of darkness in one unbelievable exploit after another. From bloodthirsty bears and loathsome reptiles to giant robots and laser beams, he stands tall against all who oppose him in his battle against the nefarious Minos (William Berger). But even the mighty Hercules himself may not be impervious to the bewitching charms of Sybil Danning in the role of the seductive and sultry Adriana (and can you blame him?).

From Luigi Cozzi (credited as Lewis Coates), the director/co-writer of the cult favorite Starcrash, Hercules is a fantastic flight of the imagination and a ridiculously entertaining, 80s-induced take on the legendary mythology!

2.81GB | 1h 39m | 1024×552 | mkv



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