Paul Cox – Touch Me (1993)
Two woman, the elder in her early forties. the younger in her twenties. They are good friends. The older woman. Sarah, is an artist, a painter, who has first and foremost found solace and sexual fulfillment in her work. The young woman, Christine who often models for Sarah’s art classes. is heartbroken about her lover: the man does not understand her.
We watch the close rapport between the two women as Christine patiently poses for Sarah’s rather whacky group of students. After classes, Christine talks about her relationship with Roderick. ” I used to really like him. Sometimes I still do”. He’s even jealous of her posing for art classes. Says she doesn’t have the body.
We see Christine at home with her boyfriend. It is hardly a scene of passion and love. Their lovemaking is routine… As complete contrast, we see Sarah’s illicit rendevous with her married lover, Stewart. Abandoned and carefree passion. Sarah persuades Christine to join her for a weekend in her country house in the hills outside Melbourne. For the first time, Christine smiles. She discovers a trampoline in the middle of a meadow filled with yellow flowers. She chases wild horses through the fields and the two of them scream with delight as they rush back to the house In the evening, they relax in front of the fire. Sarah gently massages Christine. Their weekend is over, Christine returns to the city totally self-contained in her newly found sensuality and freedom.
350MB | 25m 59s | 688×416 | avi
(O.K., turns out I was aware of that collection, had seen a couple of them, like the Rafelson and the Ken Russell shorts.)
Thanks for the continued attention to this director, whose star should be shining much brighter in cinema history than seems to be the case. The fact that this is a short and the pic at top shows “DVD” leaves me wondering what else might have been on that disc ? There are still some works of his that remain generally unavailable, including his final film as well as documentaries by or about him.