Ana Kokkinos

  • Ana Kokkinos – Blessed (2009)

    2001-2010Ana KokkinosAustraliaDrama

    Blessed is a tender and stirring portrayal of the same day through very different perspectives. Seven children wander the streets in an urban odyssey but not all of them find their way back. Rewind the clock and experience the same period but from behind their mother’s eyes, where it’s apparent that they are as vulnerable and defenseless as the children they care for.Read More »

  • Ana Kokkinos – Head On (1998)

    1991-2000Ana KokkinosAustraliaDramaQueer Cinema(s)

    Nineteen-year-old Ari confronts both his sexuality and his Greek family. Ari despises his once-beloved parents, former radical activists, for having entombed themselves in insular tradition. Ari is obsessed with gay sex, although he does make an unenthusiastic attempt to satisfy the sister of one of his best friends. While all of this is going on, he’s facing problems with his traditional Greek parents, who have no clue about his sexual activities.Read More »

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