Barbet Schroeder

  • Barbet Schroeder – Barfly (1987)

    Barbet Schroeder1981-1990DramaThe Cannon GroupUSA

    Barfly is a 1987 American film which is a semi-autobiography of poet/author Charles Bukowski during the time he spent drinking heavily in Los Angeles. The screenplay by Bukowski was commissioned by the French film director Barbet Schroeder – it was published, with illustrations by the author, in 1984 when film production was still pending. Barfly stars Mickey Rourke and Faye Dunaway, with direction by Schroeder, and was presented by Francis Ford Coppola. The movie also features a silent cameo appearance by Bukowski himself.Read More »

  • Barbet Schroeder – The Charles Bukowski Tapes (1987)

    Barbet Schroeder1981-1990CultDocumentaryFrance
    The Charles Bukowski Tapes (1987)
    The Charles Bukowski Tapes (1987)

    Fifty-two clips of Charles Bukowski ranting and musing comprise Barbet Shroeder’s Charles Bukowski Tapes. It was, until now, a rarity that circulated amongst die-hard Bukowski fans, since the release of Shroeder’s Bukowski-scripted feature, Barfly. This collection of monologues, ranging in topic from Bukowski’s beef with God, to biographical tales of his life as an abused child, to his views on writing as a disciplinary craft, cover the gamut of Bukowski-typical topics, which can also be glimpsed in other Bukowski documentaries, such as Born Into This. But The Charles Bukowski Tapes are set apart by their sheer volume of candid author footage, in which Bukowski has drunkenly abandoned all camera-shyness to reveal, and revel in, his damage. Read More »

  • Barbet Schroeder – Kiss of Death (1995)

    1991-2000Barbet SchroederCrimeDramaUSA

    A reformed convict goes undercover with the help of an angry detective to ensnare a psychotic mobster.Read More »

  • Barbet Schroeder – L’avocat de la terreur aka Terror’s Advocate (2007)

    Barbet Schroeder2001-2010DocumentaryFrancePolitics

    A documentary on Jacques Vergès, the controversial lawyer and former Free French Forces guerrilla who has defended unpopular figures such as Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie and Holocaust denier Roger Garaudy.
    Communist, anticolonialist, right-wing extremist? What convictions guide the moral mind of Jacques Vergès? Barbet Schroeder takes us down history’s darkest paths in his attempt to illuminate the mystery behind this enigmatic figure.
    A brilliant study in the link between moral corruption and narcissism.Read More »

  • Barbet Schroeder – Reversal of Fortune [+ Commentary] (1990)

    1981-1990Barbet SchroederDramaMysteryUSA

    Wealthy Sunny von Bülow lies brain-dead, husband Claus guilty of attempted murder; but he says he’s innocent and hires Alan Dershowitz for his appeal.

    Letterboxd review by chavel ★★★★★
    An aerial shot that opens is like no other, it starts overlooking over the exclusive Easton Bay and then turns upwards, with the shot swooping over estate after estate in ritzy Rhode Island for nearly a minute. In an overhead shot, these are the richest looking houses you’ve ever seen, property after property, perfectly, lushly landscaped.Read More »

  • Barbet Schroeder – Général Idi Amin Dada: Autoportrait (1974)

    1971-1980Barbet SchroederDocumentaryFrancePolitics

    In 1971, the small African nation of Uganda was taken over by self-styled dictator General Idi Amin Dada, beginning an eight-year reign of terror that would result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands. In this chilling yet darkly comic documentary, director Barbet Schroeder turns his cameras on the infamous tyrant, revealing the dynamic, charming, and appallingly dangerous man whose fanatical neuroses held an entire nation in their grip. Made with the full support and participation of the infamous dictator, General Idi Amin Dada provides a candid and disturbing portrait of one of the 20th century’s most notorious figures.Read More »

  • Barbet Schroeder – Tricheurs AKA Cheaters (1984) (HD)

    1981-1990Barbet SchroederCrimeFranceRomance

    Swaying between pleasure and despair, Elric throws himself into his pathological passion for the casino. Meeting Suzie could have saved him, but the young woman also sinks into gambling hell. The couple then start getting involved in the fearsome world of professional cheaters…Read More »

  • Barbet Schroeder – La virgen de los sicarios AKA Our Lady of the Assassins (2000)

    1991-2000Barbet SchroederCrimeDramaFranceQueer Cinema(s)

    A Colombian writer returns to his native Medellín to mourn his lost youth and, while he’s at it, pick up a new one. That, more or less, is the tale that Barbet Schroeder’s new movie has to tell. Schroeder has made some spicy pictures in his time, but this one feels lacklustre by comparison, and the two main performers-Anderson Ballesteros as the hustler and German Jaramillo as his aging mentor-tend to drift through their scenes, trying not to notice the hellfire around them. Whether they are genuinely ground down by the woes of the world or simply exhausted by years of casual sex is hard to work out; to be fair, few directors could make a film about moral anesthesia without sinking into glumness, and Schroeder does a pretty good job of insuring that no one in the audience will book a Colombian vacation in the near future.Read More »

  • Barbet Schroeder – Inju, la bête dans l’ombre AKA Inju: The Beast in the Shadow (2008)

    2001-2010Barbet SchroederFranceThriller

    Director Barbet Schroeder makes an ambitious attempt to revisit, in spirit, some of the great B-movies and thrillers of the past in ‘Inju, the Beast in the Shadow,’ which starts out as a smart romp through exotic Japan, only to spiral down into disappointing predictability after a hot opening half-hour. Inspired by a book by cult writer Edogawa Rampo and shot in French and Japanese, the film promises much more than it ultimately delivers. Commercial prospects will rest on the imaginatively recreated Kyoto atmosphere and vivid characters, not least a beautiful geisha into S&M.Read More »

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