A historical drama set in the 1950s, based on real-life events. Rosemarie Nitribitt comes out of a remand center, runs away from her foster parents, and ends up working as a barmaid in a Frankfurt nightclub. A wealthy French businessman offers to set her up in return for tape-recordings of her sex sessions with German VIPs.Read More »
Bernd Eichinger
Bernd Eichinger – Das Mädchen Rosemarie AKA A Girl Called Rosemary (1996)
Bernd Eichinger1991-2000CrimeDramaGermany -
Bernd Eichinger – Der grosse Bagarozy AKA The Devil and Ms. D (1999)
1991-2000Bernd EichingerComedyCrimeGermanyPsychiatrist Cora is in a professional crisis, two of her patients have succumbed to each other. Stanislaus Nagy appears in her practice, a strange young man possessed by Maria Callas. But Cora has anything but a harmless Callas admirer. The man suddenly claims to be the bodily devil and, hidden inside his poodle, has directed the life of the opera dives. Nagy also gains a strange power over Cora’s fate.Read More »