Written and directed by newcomer Chris Kraus, this German art-house family drama centers around the eccentric Jesko (Jürgen Vogel), who, despite his debilitating condition, – he is dying of cancer and only his mother’s bone-marrow could save him – makes a visit to his father, Gebhard (Dietrich Hollinderbaumer), and brother, Ansgar (Peter Davor), on the day that Ansgar is scheduled to take over the family company. What Jesko doesn´t know, is that his mother, who went insane 20 years ago, ran away and got drug addicted, was found and brought back.
Interesting plot, beautiful photography, well-written dialogue, well-developed characters.Read More »
Chris Kraus
Chris Kraus – Scherbentanz AKA Shattered Glass (2002)
2001-2010Chris KrausDramaGermany -
Chris Kraus – Terrorists in Love (1985)
1981-1990Chris KrausExperimentalShort FilmUSAVideo Art