Using human corpses and invoking the spirits of two damned Secretaries of State, a girl performs a ritual to free the kingdom of Chile from its feudal heritage.Read More »
Cristóbal León
Joaquín Cociña & Cristóbal León – Los Huesos AKA The Bones (2021)
Joaquín Cociña2021-2030AnimationChileCristóbal LeónHorror -
Joaquín Cociña & Cristóbal León – La casa lobo AKA The Wolf House (2018)
2011-2020AnimationChileCristóbal LeónJoaquín CociñaThe stories come in layers. There’s the one narrated at the start, about the joyful community of Germans living in dignity in the south of Chile. It may be set to wholesome archive footage of mountains and rosy cheeks, but even the narrator mentions the rumours, the other, less savoury tales that also circulate. There’s the story that appears as text on the screen, of a girl from the colony, Maria, who fled into the forest to avoid punishment, it in turn involves three little pigs and a big bad wolf. Then there’s the narrative that takes up the bulk of the film, the story of what happens once Maria enters the house she finds in the woods, rendered in intricate, mesmerising stop motion animation.Read More »