‘The film “Ung frue forsvunnet” by acclaimed female Norwegian film maker Edith Calmar starts off this story in 1949 with a husband come home from a mountain trip, finding his young wife for two years, being traceless missing. She’s been gone for days, and the police is immediately contacted. A couple living on boat finds the woman’s hat floating, and it seem she’s dead either by being killed or falling into the river.
The manuscript is quite well done, and the story unfolds as the husband tells about his life with his wife, from meeting her casually. There’s a secret she’s never told him, because he didn’t want to hear it. This secret obviously is the reason for her disappearance.’
– OJT (IMDb)Read More »
Edith Carlmar
Edith Carlmar – Ung frue forsvunnet AKA A Young Woman Missing (1953)
1951-1960DramaEdith CarlmarMysteryNorway -
Edith Carlmar – Bedre enn sitt rykte AKA Better Than Their Reputation (1955)
1991-2000ComedyEdith CarlmarNorwayRomanceSynopsis:
‘The main character Dag falls in love with his young French language teacher. It becomes a complicated love story when Dag’s class mate Karin is also fancying Dag, and Dag’s best friend, Roald, is deeply in love with Karin.’
– rune-meier-1 (IMDb)Read More »