García Pelayo’s cardinal film is an urban collage: The love story between Ana and Miguel is determined by constant movement, towards each other and away from each other. It is the story of love as a starting point and a point of escape. Driven by a fantastic mix of eagerness to experiment on the one hand, and to act as a witness of the time period on the other, García Pelayo provides a first interim report on the after-effects of the Franco period and the transition; pointing out what political change makes people do, and what it does to them. Towards the end, this culminates in a powerfully eloquent speech about the Constitution, and the very need for it. This is an exercise in democracy by people who have been under oppression for too long. Besides, VIVIR EN SEVILLA is a perfect alternative city guide for an era, an Andalusia that has ceased to exist: García Pelayo dwells on street signs and local bars, loses himself occasionally when shooting bustling plazas, and enjoys casting local celebrities (or, at least, making actresses and actors appear as such).Read More »