This film attempts to reconstruct the tension of the Battle of Shanghai through an episode in an understated way, introducting its story in a documentary mode. In the film story, Japan’s marine regiment protects Japanese residents and Chinese refugees-women and young children-from rampant street fighting, Shanhai Rikusentai unsparingly uses its first eight minutes for an official-mannered self-justification of the war. From the viewpoint of explaining Japan’s military operation,the narration refers to the city s spatial division in sync with maps on screen.
[Dissonance to Affinity: An Ideological Analysis of Japanese Cinema in the 1930s]Read More »
Hisatora Kumagai
Hisatora Kumagai – Shanhai rikusentai aka Naval Brigade at Shanghai (1939)
1931-1940Hisatora KumagaiJapanWar