Before The Avengers and the James Bond films, the pioneering 1960 British series Danger Man helped to usher in spy-mania in Great Britain. Patrick McGoohan stars as Drake, John Drake, an agent of NATOs secret service branch. A messy job, he informs us, Thats when they usually call on me. Most Americans only know Drake as the Secret Agent Man, the title of the hour-long series that debuted on these shores in 1964. This half-hour series never aired in the United States, making this five-disc set, containing all 39 first season episodes, essential for Brit-TV aficionados, not to mention that branch of Prisoner devotees who insist that the kidnapped No. 6 is actually Drake himself. Like 007, the dapper and unflappable Drake possesses a keen wit and animal sense of danger, and his assignments take him all over the world, from Rome and Paris to the Arabian desert.Read More »
Julian Amyes
Julian Amyes – Danger Man [Season 1] (1960)
1951-1960CrimeJulian AmyesTVUnited Kingdom