Louis Delluc

  • Louis Delluc – L’inondation (1924)

    1921-1930DramaFranceLouis DellucSilent


    Synopsis :
    Dans un village paisible en bord du Rhône, Alban, jeune et honnête fermier, s’apprête à épouser la coquette et frivole Margot. Monsieur Broc, employé de mairie solitaire, retrouve sa fille adorée Germaine, devenue une charmante jeune femme. Germaine s’est éprise d’Alban. Lorsque celui-ci l’éconduit gentiment, elle s’effondre, fiévreuse, au grand désarroi de son père. La crue du fleuve inonde subitement le village et les alentours. Margot déclenche la colère d’Alban en fricotant avec son cousin Jean. Un soir elle disparaît. On la retrouve mystérieusement noyée.Read More »

  • Louis Delluc – Fièvre (1921)

    1921-1930DramaFranceLouis DellucSilent


    Louis Delluc was one of the most important silent pioneers in France and probably one of the first persons in that country who thought of the cinema as an Art. He was part of group called the “French Impressionist School” ( which also included Epstein, Abel Gance, Marcel L’Herbier and Germaine Dulac ) and was himself one of the first and most influential French film critics. Unfortunately Louis Delluc had a short career dying very young at the age of 33 from tuberculosis, denying the French and the rest of the whole world, his mastery of film and future accomplishments.Read More »

  • Louis Delluc – La femme de nulle part [full version 68 min] (1922)

    France1921-1930Louis DellucSilent


    “Like his fiery study of a popular milieu in Fièvre, Louis Delluc’s early masterpiece of impressionist cinema, La Femme de Nulle Part, is almost impossible to see outside of rare archival projections in Paris. Shot in natural settings, and stripped of all that is not cinema, Delluc’s psychological drama featuring symbolist muse Eve Francis is an experiment in ‘direct style.’ A fascinating study in the relationship between past and present, memory, dream and reality, this revolutionary film would be a source of inspiration for successive filmmakers, from Francois Truffaut to Alain Resnais.” (NeilMac1971)Read More »

  • René Coiffard & Louis Delluc – Le chemin d’Ernoa (1921)

    DramaFranceLouis DellucRené Coiffard and Louis DellucSilent


    French informations :

    Etchégor, un riche paysan basque est épris de la belle américaine Majesty Parnell. L’époux de celle-ci, sur le point d’être arrêté pour vol, cherche à se forger un alibi.

    Mobilisé, Louis Delluc est contraint de renoncer à la mise en scène de son premier scénario, La Fête espagnole (1919), qu’il confie à Germaine Dulac. Impatient de réaliser ses propres films, il fonde sa société de production Parisia- Films au printemps 1920, et livre, en l’espace de quelques mois trois films : Fumée noire, Le Silence et L’Américain, qui deviendra Le Chemin d’Ernoa.Read More »

  • Louis Delluc – La femme de nulle part (1922)

    1921-1930DramaFranceLouis DellucSilent


    Like his fiery study of a popular milieu in Fièvre, Louis Delluc’s early masterpiece of impressionist cinema, La Femme de Nulle Part, is almost impossible to see outside of rare archival projections in Paris. Shot in natural settings, and stripped of all that is not cinema, Delluc’s psychological drama featuring symbolist muse Eve Francis is an experiment in ‘direct style.’ A fascinating study in the relationship between past and present, memory, dream and reality, this revolutionary film would be a source of inspiration for successive filmmakers, from Francois Truffaut to Alain Resnais.Read More »

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