Molom, the shaman, takes Yonden, a child lost among wolves, under his protection, and walks with him through the Mongolian steppe.Read More »
Marie-Jaoul de Poncheville
Marie-Jaoul de Poncheville – Molom, conte de Mongolie AKA Molom: A Legend of Mongolia (1995)
Marie-Jaoul de Poncheville1991-2000DramaFrance -
Marie-Jaoul de Poncheville – Tengri (2008)
2001-2010DramaGermanyKrygyzstanMarie-Jaoul de PonchevillePlot Synopsis
Proving that romance can blossom even in the direst and most seemingly disadvantageous of circumstance, a pure-hearted Kazakh settler and a Kyrgyz woman find each other’s hearts, their love rising like a phoenix out of the ruins of the Afghani wars, during the aftermath of the Iron Curtain’s fall and in a region of the world that has been racked by tumult. Each of their personal histories, taken apart, seem dead-end and hopeless; Temür is a thirty-year-old fisherman whose lack-of-success on the Aral Sea has prompted him to give up on his chosen career , especially given the fact that the Aral has all but dried up and is now unpopulated by fish. Amira, who hails from Kyrgyzstan, foresees a future that is equally bleak, given the fact that her husband recently left home and went off to fight the mujhadeen. In each other, the lovers perceive an opportunity for escape and redemption.Read More »