a 1983 Japanese film starring Peter Fonda as a superhero called Gonzy Traumerai. The film, written and directed by Ryu Murakami, based on his own novel, is a parody of such films as Superman, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, and Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.Read More »
Ryû Murakami
Ryû Murakami – Daijôbu, mai furendo Aka All Right, My Friend (1983)
Ryû Murakami1981-1990AsianJapanSci-Fi -
Ryû Murakami – Kagirinaku toumei ni chikai blue aka Almost Transparent Blue (1979)
Ryû Murakami1971-1980AsianDramaJapanIn 1979 Ryû Murakami directed the adaption of his best selling novel “Almost Transparent Blue”: Main character Ryū and his small group of young friends are living in a Japanese town with an American air force base, their lives revolve around sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. The movie depicts the daily monotony of drug-induced hallucinations, vicious acts of violence, overdoses and group sex.
This only ever came out on VHS.Read More »