“Sisters” focuses on two step-siblings, thirteen-year-old Sveta, a sullen tomboy (played by Oksana Akinshina from Lilya 4-ever), and eight-year-old Dina, a spoilt little princess. When their gangster father, recently released from jail, refuses to handover stolen money to a rival gang, they threaten to kidnap his youngest daughter. The two girls find they must bury their differences and go on the run.Read More »
Sergei Bodrov
Sergey Bodrov Jr. – Syostry AKA Sisters (2001)
Sergei Bodrov2001-2010CrimeDramaRussia -
Sergei Bodrov – Ya khotela uvidet angelov AKA I Wanted to See Angels (1992)
1991-2000ArthouseDramaRussiaSergei BodrovTwenty-year-old Bob rides 1000 km to Moscow on his vintage motorbike to collect a bad debt for his boss; the city chews up and spits out this naive country boy, whose head is full of Easy Rider dreams.Read More »
Sergei Bodrov – Bear’s Kiss (2002)
2001-2010DramaFantasyGermanySergei BodrovA dramatic fantasy romance film directed by Sergei Bodrov.
A German, Swedish, Russian, Spanish, French, and Italian co-production, it tells the story of the circus girl Lola, who raises a bear from cubhood. When she discovers that the bear, named Misha, can transform into a young man, a secret romance between the two ensues. The film stars Rebecka Liljeberg (Fucking Amal) as Lola and Sergei Bodrov Jr. as Misha.Read More »
Sergei Bodrov – S.E.R. – Svoboda eto rai AKA Freedom is Paradise (1989)
Drama1981-1990Sergei BodrovUSSRSYNOPSIS:
13-year-old Sasha finds himself the unwilling resident of a grim reform school after the death of his mother. He sets off on a 1,000 mile odyssey to a gulag-style high security prison, seeking the father he has never met.
Before Bodrov became „big business“ he made quite a few CHERNUKHA-movies about the dark side of the Soviet union. This is the internationally best known!
Winner of the Grand Prix des Ameriques at the Montreal International Film Festival and the “Wolfgang Staudte Award” at the Berlin International Film Festival.
The first Russian movie to actually film inside Russian prisons and reformatories. Also the first Film of Sergej Bodrov jr. He appeared on screen only for a few minutes, playing a minor lawbreaker waiting for a decision concerning his destiny.
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