Nick (JOHN SPENCE) is a suave denim-wearing young pimp who worries a lot about his hair. Louie (STEFAN PETERS) is a monosyllabic knife-wielding goof of undetermined sexuality (with his most noticeable physical feature being red, greasy, slug-like lips). Together they are The Girl Grabbers.
As the opening titles roll, these two smirking hellions are wandering the streets of 1960’s Greenwich Village, knocking groceries out of the arms of women with big hairdos, and molesting butts — as Girl Grabbers everywhere are wont to do. Unsatisfied with such simple pranks, they hold the brazen midday robbery of Tania (LUDMILLA TCHOR), a very average-looking redhead with an awkward Euro-accent. Nick stuffing her panties in her mouth, then rolling around on top of her fully clothed while giggling like a retarded infant.Read More »