Sotoji Kimura

  • Sotoji Kimura – Ongaku kigeki horoyoi jinsei AKA Tipsy Life (1933)

    Sotoji Kimura1931-1940ComedyJapanMusical
    Ongaku kigeki horoyoi jinsei (1933)
    Ongaku kigeki horoyoi jinsei (1933)

    A series of snapshots from the life of a fictional actress named Shirley serves to weave together thirteen paintings by Edward Hopper (e.g. “Office at Night”, “Western Motel”, “Usherette”, “A Woman in the Sun”) into a fascinating synthesis of painting and film, personal and political history. Each station in Shirley’s professional and private life from the 1930s to 1960s is precisely dated: It is always August 28/29 of the year in question, as the locations vary from Paris to New York to Cape Cod.Read More »

  • Sotoji Kimura – Ani imôto AKA Older Brother, Younger Sister (1936)

    1931-1940AsianDramaJapanSotoji Kimura

    It was directed by Sotoji Kimura, a completely obscure, yet fairly successful Shochiku director, who by account on his few films that are available today apparently was associated with the 1930’s jun-bungaku (“pure literature”) movement, an attempt to strengthen the reputation of Japanese cinema by translating reputable high-brow literature for the screen.Read More »

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