
  • Tianhuojian – Wading in the Afterlife (2022)

    2021-2030ChinaExperimentalShort FilmTianhuojian

    A girl who is not aware she crossed over into the afterlife; is life itself but a dream within a dream?

    The title’s a misnomer: dream water’s not to be waded through, better rather to drift. Splashing along the lazy river you’re just going roundabout, but if you catch the natural current it’s got an outlet in mind. If the dream’s a reflection and the stream is its source then that’s the direction we’ll drift: beyond. Drink deep from the cosmic microwave background radiation and you’ve got the shimmer of a looking-glass alright: this screen’s glazed with waves. The pool’s got defined walls only until they disappear in the haze; hallucination concealing hallucination offers strange clarity – that’s vaporwave.Read More »

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