V. Chubisov

  • V. Chubisov – A Montage Lesson: Sergei Eisenstein ()

    DocumentarySergei M. EisensteinUSSRV. Chubisov

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    Description: This is not Eisenstein’s film, but a series of montage lessons by V. Chubisov using Eisenstein’s films for examples…

    levchin specifies

    that the filmmaker is Vadim CHUBASOV, not Chubisov, who taught at the Kiev Theater/TV/Film Institute for many years, and died recently. Moreover, the title of this film is Lessons in Editing, not A Montage Lesson.
    No one seems to know when it was made. Judging by the video style it must be the ’80s. Clearly this is an instructional film, commissioned and produced by the Karpenko-Kary film school in Kiev.

    Credits, Production and Release Information
    Director, Scenario: Vadim Chubasov
    Comissioned and produced by: Karpenko-Kary film school (Kiev)Read More »

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