Aleksandr Abdulov

  • Vladimir Bortko – Master i Margarita AKA The Master and Margarita (2005)

    Vladimir Bortko2001-2010DramaRomanceRussia
    Master i Margarita (2005)
    Master i Margarita (2005)

    Master and Margarita (2005) is a Menippean film based on the eponymous book by Mikhail A. Bugakov. Set in Moscow under Stalin it has several story-lines that are intertwined. The sacrifices of Master (Galibin), a talented author of a manuscript about the biblical Pontius Pilate, and Master’s muse – Margarita (Kovalchuk), are paralleled by the biblical story of Yeshua in Yerushalaim, and the deceit of the cowardly ambiguous Pilate (Lavrov), whose character alludes to a Soviet leader. The reality is distorted by Satan Woland (Basilashvili), and his lieutenants, who are manipulating public events and people’s lives by pushing the buttons of human weaknesses and sins. Margarita taps into Woland’s power as she becomes the Queen of the Satan’s Ball. She turns into a witch to save Master. Some characters allude to Soviet leaders: Lenin, Stalin, Beria, and their entourage.Read More »

  • Sergei Solovyov – Chyornaya roza – emblema pechali, krasnaya roza – emblema lyubvi AKA Black Rose Is an Emblem of Sorrow, Red Rose Is an Emblem of Love (1990) 

    1981-1990ArthouseDramaSergei SolovyovUSSR

    In the heady days just prior to the collapse of the Soviet system in Russia, a satirical, anarchistic comedy such as this was just the sort of film to attract huge audiences. Told with the rapid-fire imagery and insistent soundtrack of a music video, it tells the story of Aleksandra (Tatyana Drubich), a self-centered 20-year old girl who escapes from her tiny apartment after she has been locked into by her father it to make her study for her exams. Instead, she parties with her boyfriend Vladimir (Alexander Abdulov) who is perfectly happy to make love to her until he discovers she is pregnant. Nearby, Mitya (Mikhail Rozanov), a suddenly rich fifteen year old boy, shares a flat with his crazed roommate, an Abyssinian given to brewing his own alcoholic beverages. Somehow, Mitya hears of Allesandra’s predicament and offers to marry her – which pleases her parents a great deal (after all, he’s rich). Most of the fun in this movie comes from in-jokes at the expense of the government’s sacred cows, and jokes at the expense of the movie itself and its characters. ~ Clarke Fountain, RoviRead More »

  • Aleksandr Sokurov – Spasi i sokhrani aka Save and Protect aka Madame Bovary [Long cut] (1989)

    Aleksandr Sokurov1981-1990DramaUSSR

    A retelling of Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary as a surreal story of universal suffering, the film emphasizes the heroine’s internal transformation as she slowly loses her grip on reality. Her erotic fascination with rich clothing and her almost childish desire to seduce and to be lost in passion is brilliantly contrasted with the small-town life that leaves Emma tragically isolated in her passionate attempt to bridge the gap between spirituality and sensuality.Read More »

  • Mark Zakharov – Formula lyubvi AKA Formula of Love (1984) (HD)

    Mark Zakharov1981-1990ComedyRomanceRussia

    A young aristocrat, Aleksei Fedyashev, is languishing in his family’s country estate, spending his days reading poetry and confessing his love… to a statue. Upon hearing that famous Count Cagliostro is touring Russia and has created quite a buzz in high society with his “magic”, he decides to ask the Count to bring the statue to life…Read More »

  • Roman Balayan – Khrani menya, moy talisman AKA Guard Me, My Talisman (1986)

    1981-1990DramaRoman BalayanUSSR

    The setting for this off-beat drama of love and jealousy is the Pushkin Poetry Festival in Boldino. Liosha (Oleg Yankovsky) and his wife Tania (Tatiana Drubich) are walking through the plush forest around Boldino when a mysterious figure pops up from behind a tree and asks the couple a question on an esoteric point of Pushkin scholarship. From that strange beginning, the man, whose name is Klimov (Alexander Abdulov), starts to ease himself into the couple’s private space, and trouble ensues. Complementing this story is the festival itself, enactments of Pushkin’s works, and emotional debates among the festival-goers over the meaning of his poetry.Read More »

  • Mark Zakharov – Formula lyubvi AKA Formula of Love (1984)

    Comedy1981-1990Mark ZakharovRomanceUSSR

    A young aristocrat, Aleksei Fedyashev, is languishing in his family’s country estate, spending his days reading poetry and confessing his love… to a statue. Upon hearing that famous Count Cagliostro is touring Russia and has created quite a buzz in high society with his “magic”, he decides to ask the Count to bring the statue to life…Read More »

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