Tender and erotic love story of a respectable bourgeois housewife and a large black Alsatian dog.
Shot in 1977, the film employs bestiality as a symbol of Spain’s political landscape. It makes references to the massacre of Atocha and to political right wing groups that after the death of Francisco Franco, tried to maintain the dictator’s political ideals.Read More »
This sophisticated Spanish romantic comedy charts the course of a long-time on-again-off again love affair between Diana Balaguer and Santi Garcia. The story begins at a sumptuous dinner party for the King of Spain. There the beauteous Diana Balaguer makes eye contact with security guard Santi Garcia, and suddenly faints dead away. The story fades from 1996 to 1966, and the film switches from color to black-and-white. Diana is a teenager with a terrible crush on Beatle John Lennon. She sneaks into his room and hides under the bed when Lennon arrives with a groupie. Diana is shocked to find herself hiding beside the handsome Santi. As Lennon and the groupie begin making out, so do the youngsters beneath them. Thus begins their sporadic affair. Over its course, Diana reveals her ambitions to become a society hostess. Unfortunately, Santi simply wants to settle down, get married and raise children. Their differences cause the lovers to drift apart. By the time the film returns to the present tense, both lovers have undergone major changes. From All MovieRead More »
imdb says: In the beginning of the 70s thousand of spaniards women immigrated to Paris to work as house maids. This is the story of some of them.Read More »