Anabela Moreira

  • João Canijo – Mal Viver AKA Bad Living (2023)

    João Canijo2021-2030DramaPortugal
    Mal Viver (2023)
    Mal Viver (2023)

    Follows five women who fight for the stability of a hotel they inherited, living an “old and irresolvable conflict,” with many conversations that have been postponed and much that remains to be said within a family.

    3 wins, 2 nominations.Read More »

  • João Canijo – Sangue do Meu Sangue AKA Blood of My Blood (2011)

    2011-2020ArthouseDramaJoão CanijoPortugal

    “TIFF” wrote:
    Magnificently acted and orchestrated, João Canijo’s family saga, Blood of my Blood, depicts the harshness of life in inner city Lisbon and the sacrifices that two women are willing to make for their family. Marcia is determined to end the cycle of poverty for her family and when she discovers that her daughter is dating an older professor, she will stop at nothing to end this unwelcome relationship.Read More »

  • Gabriel Abrantes & Daniel Schmidt – Diamantino (2018) (HD)

    2011-2020ArthouseCultDaniel SchmidtGabriel AbrantesPortugal


    by Gabriel Abrantes & Daniel Schmidt, 2018

    But he said that nowadays there are no longer artists like Mr. Michael Angelo. They no longer exist.

    Diamantino, the world’s premiere soccer star loses his special touch and ends his career in disgrace. Searching for a new purpose, the international icon sets on a delirious odyssey where he confronts neo-fascism, the refugee crisis, genetic modification, and the hunt for the source of genius.Read More »

  • Carlos Conceição – Carne AKA The Flesh [+Extras] (2010)

    2001-2010Carlos ConceiçãoDramaPortugalShort Film

    “IMDb wrote:
    Violante, a young and beautiful catholic nun, is facing a few marital issues with her husband Jesus Christ – who stalks her through the dark corners of a decaying convent and seeks to punish her for her (alleged) sins. In a dark stormy night they struggle to win each other to their personal points of view. She quotes the bible in terms of unconditional love – He does the same in terms of capital punishment. But are His manly insecurities based on solid grounds? After escaping His jealous rage, the nun lurks through the dark alleys and the bars like a vampire. Doomed to loneliness, all she wants is a Man. And who can this Man be?Read More »

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