The story unfolds as young Rosaleen lies dreaming in her bed. A violent nightmare transports her back in time to a world of primeval forests and werewolves. In this netherworld she learns that her only sister has been killed by a wolf. Her Granny weaves vivid tales of folklore and fantasy with warnings of fantastic beasts that lurk within men and foretelling the fate of all young girls who stray from the path…Read More »
Angela Lansbury
Neil Jordan – The Company of Wolves (1984)
1981-1990FantasyHorrorNeil JordanUnited Kingdom -
Paul Guilfoyle – A Life at Stake (1954)
Drama1951-1960Film NoirPaul GuilfoyleUSAAn out-of-work architect meets a married woman who has a business proposition for him. The architect begins to suspect the woman’s interest in him is not just financial and may actually be deadly.Read More »