Detective Seiji Otaki is determined to find the psychopathic killer of a young woman who was ostensibly a student but in reality a high-priced prostitute. Even though he has been taken off the case for beating up a suspect, he refuses to let it go and recruits his mistress to act as a decoy for the killer. Her involvement turns out to be a fatal mistake, and when her husband gets out of prison, Detective Otaki is in worse trouble than ever.Read More »
Ayumi Ishida
Eiichi Kudô – Yaju-deka AKA The Dropout (1982) (HD)
Eiichi Kudô1981-1990CrimeFilm NoirJapan -
Kinji Fukasaku – Kataku no hito AKA House on Fire (1986)
Kinji Fukasaku1981-1990AsianDramaJapanAdapted from the autobiographical story by Kazuo Dan which was published a few months before his death, House Of Fire tells story of a popular writer sharing his complicated life with his family, his numerous mistresses and his work.Read More »