Directed by Academy Award Winner Lee Grant, “What Sex Am I?” follows a group of Transgender individuals struggling to make their way in every strata of 1980s America. From finding employment to finding acceptance, the first question the world forces them to ask is always, “What Sex Am I?” The acclaimed HBO Documentary returns from Grant’s archives for its 30th anniversary to a world at once much evolved, and still very much the same as the United States of its first run.Read More »
Christine Jorgensen
Lee Grant – What Sex Am I? (1985) (HD)
1981-1990DocumentaryLee GrantUSA -
Lee Grant – What Sex Am I? (1985)
1981-1990DocumentaryLee GrantThe Female GazeUSARadically ahead of its time in its candor and compassion, this groundbreaking documentary follows a group of transgender individuals struggling to make their way in every strata of 1980s America. From finding employment to finding acceptance, WHAT SEX AM I? gives empathetic voice to the everyday challenges faced by trans people decades before issues of gender identity were widely discussed in the mainstream.Read More »