Christopher Walken

  • James Foley – At Close Range (1986)

    James Foley1981-1990CrimeDramaUSA

    One of the overlooked films of the 1980s, perhaps because it is such a downbeat tale of an amoral family. Sean Penn plays a kid whose small-time criminal impulses are stoked to a new level when he falls in with his father (Christopher Walken), a vicious career criminal for whom no problem is so large that it can’t be solved by a murder. At first exhilarated by the attention from his father (and the jobs he gives him to do), he gradually catches on to just what a bad guy Dad really is. But when he tries to extricate himself, he discovers that Dad now has him squarely in his sights. Penn is terrific in a role of emotional complexity, while Walken, king of the creeps, is positively frightening as this soft-spoken but highly lethal patriarch. Read More »

  • Gregory Widen – The Prophecy (1995)

    1991-2000FantasyGregory WidenHorrorUSA

    As he investigates the case of a mysterious eyeless, hermaphroditic dead body Thomas Dagget, a former priest who has lost his faith and is now working as a detective, is thrust into the midst of an earthly war between angels. A fallen angel Gabriel is trying to create a new Heaven and seeks the soul of a Korean War colonel accused of human sacrifice. The colonel’s soul has been transplanted into the body of a young Indian girl for protection and Thomas must fight to protect her as Gabriel comes after her.Read More »

  • Abel Ferrara – King of New York (1990)

    1981-1990Abel FerraraActionCrimeUSA

    King of New York is a 1990 crime drama film, starring Christopher Walken, Laurence Fishburne, David Caruso, Wesley Snipes, Victor Argo, Giancarlo Esposito, and Steve Buscemi. It was directed by independent filmmaker Abel Ferrara and written by Nicholas St. John.

    The King of New York is now widely acknowledged as one of the best hard-edged crime thrillers of the past thirty years, certainly since the golden age of the 1970s.Read More »

  • Abel Ferrara – New Rose Hotel (1998)

    Drama1991-2000Abel FerraraMysteryUSA

    Based on the Short Story by: William Gibson
    This film has got alot of mixed reactions. Some hate it, as they most likely expected alot more from a William Gibson adaptation with such a well known leading cast, others feel that it is an excellent science fiction movie that is getting an unncessary amount of criticism. Ill be honest I havent watched it yet, but scrolling through taking the screenshots i noticed that there is lots of Asia Argento titties…and they are spectacular. I’ll let you guys decide how good the film is for yourself.Read More »

  • Abel Ferrara – The Addiction (1995)

    1991-2000Abel FerraraDramaHorrorUSA


    Director Abel Ferrara applies his eccentric vision to the vampire genre with this cerebral “Art”
    film about graduate philosophy student Kathleen Conklin (Lili Taylor), who is bitten by an
    aggressive female vampire (Annabella Sciorra) and soon spirals into a nightmarish world of
    blood addiction and existential angst. Driven by her merciless condition, she attacks several
    of her pretentious friends and classmates (even her professor) and mainlines their blood like
    heroin. Just as she becomes more bold in seeking prey on the streets of New York, she is
    waylaid by a potential victim — actually a sophisticated vampire himself named Peina
    (Christopher Walken), who chooses to control his own blood addiction through fasting and
    meditation. Seeming to regain her self-control, she eventually completes her graduate thesis
    (helped by a bit of vampire nepotism) and holds a party to celebrate, inviting the entire
    faculty as well as members of her new “family” to join in the festivities. Although the parallels
    to heroin addiction are in plain view, this is also a study in the essential evil of humankind — a
    theme evident in much of Ferrara’s work. — Cavett BinionRead More »

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