Follows Jules, who is targeted in a horrific homophobic attack, destroying his life and career. Some time after that event he encounters Preston, one of his attackers, in a gay sauna. He wants revenge.Read More »
George MacKay
Sam H. Freeman & Ng Choon Ping – Femme (2023)
Ng Choon Ping2021-2030Queer Cinema(s)Sam H. FreemanThrillerUnited Kingdom -
Nathalie Biancheri – Wolf (2021) (HD)
2021-2030ArthouseDramaIrelandNathalie BiancheriJacob, a man who believes he is a wolf trapped in a human body, is sent to a clinic by his family where he is forced to undergo increasingly extreme forms of “curative” therapies at the hands of The Zookeeper. Jacob’s only solace is the enigmatic wildcat with whom he roams the hospital in the dead of night. The two form an improbable friendship that develops into infatuation.Read More »
Sam H. Freeman & Ng Choon Ping – Femme (2023)
Sam H. Freeman2021-2030Ng Choon PingQueer Cinema(s)ThrillerUnited KingdomFollows Jules, who is targeted in a horrific homophobic attack, destroying his life and career. Some time after that event he encounters Preston, one of his attackers, in a gay sauna. He wants revenge.Read More »
Duane Hopkins – Bypass (2014) (HD)
Duane Hopkins2011-2020DramaUnited KingdomAfter the death of his mother, a teen (George MacKay) turns to a life of crime to make ends meet.Read More »