Giulia Boschi

  • Claire Denis – Chocolat AKA Chocolate (1988)

    Claire Denis1981-1990DramaFrance
    Chocolat (1988)
    Chocolat (1988)

    A young French woman returns to the silence of West Africa to contemplate her childhood days in a colonial outpost in Cameroon. Her strongest memories are of the family’s houseboy, Protee – a man of great nobility and beauty – and the intricate nature of relationships in a racist society.Read More »

  • Claire Denis – Chocolat (1988)

    1981-1990ArthouseClaire DenisDramaFrance

    The international breakthrough of acclaimed filmmaker Claire Denis, Chocolat is set in a remote town in Cameroon during the last days of France’s colonies in Africa.

    Claire Denis’s award-winning autobiographical film traces a young white woman’s return to her youth in pre-independence French Cameroon, haunted by strong memories of black African Protee, the family’s “houseboy” and a man of great nobility, intelligence and beauty. Chocolat is a stirring & subtle examination of intricate relationships in a racist society and the human damage exacted on both the colonized and colonizer.Read More »

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